Cymbalta is the duloxetine. It is utilized for treating mental health. Due to regular use of this medicine, the individual feels happy and doesn’t take every issue seriously. As you know, if the person becomes non-serious, his life will be disturbed because he will lose his emotional capability. He doesn’t know what is going on. Due to losing the ability to feel, there is a chance of losing loved ones. That is why consumers mostly say that Cymbalta ruined my life.
This medicine brought temporary relief to those individuals that go into mental trauma but due to regular intake of this medicine, the people become addicted to it. Thus physical dependency occurs due to which it becomes difficult to withdraw the medicine intake.
Brief Discussion of Cymbalta Ruined My Life
Cymbalta is generally the brand name in which two drugs are present that treat the mental disorder. These two drugs are duloxetine and SNRI (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. These two drugs are utilized to treat the below mental disorders such as,
- Severe depression.
- Chronic pain.
- Anxiety disorder.
- Nerve pain.
- Fibromyalgia and other mental disorders.
This medicine plays a vital role in treating the brain disorder. It regulates mental health and the person doesn’t take tension of anything due to regular intake of this medicine. The function of duloxetine is to create balance in the mood of the individual by affecting the chemicals of the brain. The drug SNRI affects depression because it works as an anti-depression. These two drugs are important in treating the severe mental condition. But only adults can use this medicine. The teenager can’t use it. The two drugs are good for mental health but sometimes people become addicted to them that’s why mostly said that Cymbalta ruined my life.
Reasons for Utilization of Cymbalta
Various circumstances in life create a negative impact on people’s minds due to which they go into depression. The mental health doesn’t remain stable and the mental disorder occurs. Various issues disorder the mental condition such as anxiety, nerve pain, depression, and fibromyalgia.
As you know, life is not constant. Nobody can be happy for so long. Various problems have been created from time to time. Some people face everything boldly but some become weak and don’t hope for well. Thus they go into depression because they lose hope. Then mental changes have occurred due to which disorder creates issues in their normal life. The psychiatrist generally prescribes Cymbalta to stabilize the mental condition. But some disadvantages of this medicine are why people say that Cymbalta ruined my life.
Side Effects of Cymbalta
As you know, every medicine is beneficial but it has also side effects. Continuous intake of the same medicine creates a negative impact on the physical life of the people that’s why this phrase is common Cymbalta has ruined my life because the user has become addicted to this medicine. If the individual is going through a severe mental disorder then the regular intake damages the emotional changes in the user’s mind that create a negative impact on the individual’s physical life. There are distinct side effects that damage the individual health as well as life. These side effects are briefly discussed below so read it carefully.
- Some people feel nausea due to taking this medicine.
- The mouth of the intake becomes dry.
- It is the drug. The individuals become addicted to it. They don’t feel comfortable when they discontinue their intake. They become dependent on it. As time has passed, its intake will be enhanced. That’s why it ruined the people’s life.
- The individual doesn’t feel hungry. The food is the requirement of the body. The feeling capability has become weakened due to which the individual doesn’t feel hungry.
- The headache is also a side effect that breaks the routine function of the individual.
- The sweating on the body will be enhanced because tiredness and fatigue will occur due to which the individual doesn’t work properly and would like to sleep.
The above are the side effects that’s why people say that Cymbalta ruined my life. Some people’s mental condition is severe due to which they intake medicine for longer periods. That’s why they have to face side effects of Cymbalta. But if the mental condition of the person is not severe then don’t intake medicine for a longer period.
The withdrawal of the medicine is necessary because the continuous intake creates emotional numbness. That is not good for an individual’s life. But due to withdrawal the intaker has to endure the side effects it the drug. When the person stops to take medicine then various changes have occurred in his mental and physical condition. That should be endured boldly. If the intaker starts to take medicine again when his mental condition becomes normal then it can ruin his life. That’s why the withdrawal of the Cymbalta is essential.
Which Person Can’t Take Cymbalta Ruined My Life?
The individual must share the entire medical history with the doctor because every medicine has side effects that can impact negatively if the person is going through any disease. The Cymbalta creates an adverse impact if the person is going through the following disease.
- Kidney and liver disease.
- High blood pressure.
- Bleeding disorder.
If the individual has any above diseases then I recommend that don’t take Cymbalta because then you will say that Cymbalta ruined your life. So don’t ruin it. Keep in mind the above disease.
Many Ask if Cymbalta is Addictive. Is it?
This medicine is not classified as addictive but the benzodiazepines and opioids create dependency. The users rely on it because of the loss of emotion. Their mental and physical health has become good because of losing stress and they become non-serious. When the individual tries to stop the intake of medicine then he feels uncomfortable. However, it is necessary to withdraw because this medicine’s side effects can ruin the individual life. Then don’t say that Cymbalta ruined my life.
Symptoms of Cymbalta After Withdrawal
Various changes occur in the body when the individual withdraws from Cymbalta. The discontinuation of the doze is not easy if the individual is taking it for the long term.
- Sensation in the brain: it often feels like an electric shock that reduces the power of the cognitive functioning of the brain. That’s why the individual feels uncomfortable because of losing concentration physically.
- Feeling of dizziness: The dizziness also occurs in the brain due to which the individual can’t function properly in their regular routine.
- Fever and flu: Fever, flu, and sometimes nausea occur in the body due to which muscles start to ache and the person requires rest in this condition.
- Emotional changes: As you know, due to intake of medicine the individual doesn’t take anything seriously. But after withdrawal the mood of the individual changes and sometimes he goes into depression.
- Disturbance in the digestion process: While taking the medicine, the person loses the appetite but after withdrawal, the person starts to consume more food due to which nausea, vomiting, and other changes take place in the digestion.
Recovery from Cymbalta
Many say that Cymbalta ruined my life without recovering from it. These people seek the help of the doctor. Proper guidance is essential to withdraw the medicine if the individual is taking it for a longer period. Following are the few options that support the recovery of the individual so read it carefully if you are taking Cymbalta and would like to withdraw the intake.
- Don’t withdraw the dose immediately. Slowly reduce the dosage regularly because it minimizes the negative impact.
- Some psychiatrists prescribe other alternative medicine so consult your doctor first if you would like to withdraw.
- Join a social group that helps in reducing the emotional disorder. You can find these support groups in your locality.
- Yoga and regular exercise are essential to get rid of the after-effects of the medicine. Do jogging in the park in the morning because it is good for the physical and mental health.
- Some people get relief without any guidance and support if they don’t take medicine for a longer period. Because the side effects are not more.
The withdrawal from Cymbalta is not easy because people take it for longer periods due to which various changes will occur in their body that will not easy to neglect sometimes people start to intake after discontinuing it due to its withdrawal symptoms that’s why people mostly say that Cymbalta ruined my life.