RubMD Welcomes Are you impassioned about write for us health and food? Do you want to motivate others and share your knowledge with a broad audience? Our health and food platform seeks competent writers to contribute unique, interesting, and informative articles.

Why Write for Us?

Writing for our platform offers countless benefits:

Reach a Large Audience: Our platform reaches over 400,000 monthly visitors. Your work can impact and boost a large number of visitors.

Create Your Portfolio: Create a strong portfolio with high-quality articles that can showcase your writing skills and knowledge.

Get Exposure: We allow a short author bio on your website Link. This can drive targeted traffic to your site and improve your site’s search engine rankings. 

Yes, but confine them. Incorporate valuable and related external links and one Link to your website or blog. All links should add value to the reader.

What We Are Looking For

We are seeking articles that are fresh, original, and offer substantial value to our readers. Here are some guidelines:

Unique and Original Content: Your article must be unique and 100% original. It should not have been published elsewhere, including your own blog.

Quality: We prioritize quality over quantity. Articles should be well-researched, well-structured, and free from grammatical errors.

Plagiarism-Free: Use Google’s top tools to guarantee that your content is plagiarism-free and AI-free.

Image: 800px wide minimum, as the featured picture is needed. Please feel free to do so if you have any other relevant photos 800px wide minimum that you want to retain.

Length: Your article should be between 800 and 1500 words.

Topics Write For Us: We accept articles on a wide range of issues related

  1. Health and food
  2. Food
  3. Fitness,
  4. Yoga,
  5. Selfcare,
  6. Pets Care,

No Direct Promotion: Articles should focus on providing value to the readers and should not directly advertise your or your client’s products or services.

Submission Process

Please follow these steps for your guest post submission:

Email Us: Send your article proposal to our email address Include your full name, a short author bio, links to your previous work, and a description of your interests and competencies.

Review and Approval: Our team will review your submission, and if it aligns with our content design, we will approve it.

Article Submission: Once you agree, you can submit your complete article. It should be formatted in HTML, using appropriate subheadings and paragraphs.

Submission Guidelines:

The success of your submission, please follow the guidelines:

Readability: headings (h2 and h3), bullets, and numbered lists to enhance the readability of your post.

High-Quality Content: Craft high-quality, informative, and unique content 

Language: Submit your English (US) content to maintain consistency and accessibility.

Format: Share your post in Google Doc format for easy accessibility and editing.

Anchor Text: Use anchor text in which the content is relevant to the discussed topic.

How to Search Write For Us Health and Food?

  • Write For Us Health and Food
  • Health and Food Write For Us 
  • Health and food + Write For Us 
  • Write For Us + Health and Food  
  • Food Write For Us 
  • Write For Us Food
  • Health Write For Us  
  • Write For Us Health 

Write For Us Health

We seek writers who can craft engaging, well-researched content on write for us health topics. Whether you’re a nutrition, fitness, mental health, beauty, Self-care, or culinary arts expert, we want to hear from you.

As a writer for RubMD, you can share your insights and experiences with our rapidly growing community of health-conscious readers. Your articles will educate ins,pire, and contribute to a broader conversation around holistic well-being.

How to Search Write For Us Health?

  • Health Write For Us
  • Write For Us Health
  • Health + Write For Us  
  • Write For Us + Health 
  • “Write For Us” + “Health”
  • “Health” + “Write For Us”
  • Write For Us + Mental Health
  • Mental Health + Write For Us

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